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This Sunday our Church put in front of us three readings


* First reading: from the book of Genesis 11: 1-9 Building the Tower of Babel


 He tells us the news of the construction of the Tower of Babel. After the flood, humans multiplied. Noah's descendants became countless peoples and nations. Man has become much more civilized. His culture has developed, his knowledge has advanced, his technical capabilities have grown, and his original dream to be liberated from the authority of God and protect himself from a new tragic punishment. Its first dwellings, due to its simplicity, were not able to protect it and resist the tyranny of water that melted down the earthy buildings and destroyed them. God is the one who brings people together with love. And if love is removed from people's hearts, the “I” will float up and all understanding or cooperation will disappear. God left them alone. They did not agree between what they wanted and what they did. They did not understand as if everyone spoke a different language. The dialogue between them became impossible and the disagreement worsened until they split among themselves and separated and emigrated and scattered. God will heal this wound in Christ when the Holy Spirit spills over mankind, on the day of Pentecost, when individuals from many peoples, speaking different languages, understand what the apostles are glorifying about Him and speak His word.


*Second reading from The Letter to Romans 8: 12-27


          Paul proved that Christ brought something new by showing the real  meaning of human spirituality. Before being flesh, he is a soul in the image of God. He lived the life of the flesh, following its feelings and desires. The body cannot submit to God's spiritual law, and whoever pursues his path cannot please God. We who have known Christ and followed him are not fitting for us after we live in the flesh and fulfill its lusts and desires. And if we did, we would die. Therefore, in order not to die and perish, we must live with the spirit. The Holy Spirit who has settled in us has made us children of God and heirs of his life and glory. Therefore, we are called to live as children of God in the world of the flesh that does not facilitate our journey. But we do not worry or despair if we suffer because of our striving for the sake of the soul. Because the pain of that strife will pass away, but it guarantees us an indescribable and eternal glory. And because we are not fighting alone, but the Holy Spirit is “coming to the aid of our weakness.”


* The third reading of Matthew 21: 23-46


          Jesus entered Jerusalem with royal majesty, expelled the merchants from the temple, and dried up the fig’s tree.The leaders and those in charge of the temple objected. They asked him to be excused for what he did, or else they would not forgive him. He offered them an agreement: If they told him of what authority John baptized, he also told them of what authority he did. Upon their refusal, Jesus also refused to reveal the truth to them because they did not seek to know the truth, but were looking for an argument to destroy it. Then he narrated to them like two sons, one of whom pretended to obey his father and did not, and the second did not obey, then he regretted and obeyed. By this, he exposed them to the fact that they claim faith and obedience to God, while the pagans do not know God but believe in Christ. He continued his speech saying: “God will take his kingdom from you and deliver it to a people who bear fruit.” The Jewish people did not fulfill their mission, but rather rebelled against God. We can approve our faith throughout our works and bring good fruits.

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