Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East Mar Mari of Yonkers, NY
ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ
ܥܘܡܪܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܡܐܪܝ ܫܠܝܚܐ
Fourth Sunday of the Resurrection
The church put in front of us the following readings:
*The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles 8: 14-25.
Paul persecutes the church, killing Christians. This leads to the dispersion of the believers outside of Jerusalem into Judea and Samaria. And wherever they spread, the story of Jesus is told. Among them was Philip, who went to Samaria, where he preached Christ and baptized those who believed because of his witnessing. And when the apostles knew this, they sent Peter and John to confirm them in their faith. They prayed for them and put their hands on them, and made sure they were assured by giving them the Holy Spirit.
Among those who believed and were baptized was a witch named Simon. When Simon saw the effect of the Holy Spirit in him, he desired to become a bishop to use the giving of the sacrament of confirmation in exchange for money to become rich. Peter answered him in disappointment, warning him against the consequences of greed, and he understood that divine favors are neither bought nor sold, “free you received, so freely give” (Matthew 10: 8). Greed corrupted Simon's heart, so Peter called him to regret his disgraceful act and repent his lousy thoughts. Priesthood is holy and a spiritual grace that cannot be traded. Priesthood may not be used to enrich and accumulate wealth, but it is used to serve others unconditionally.
Priesthood is a gift from God and divine service. And not by the desire of everyone he wants. God distributes his gifts and invites those who qualify him to serve. God does not allocate ministerial posts and portfolios. Instead, he makes servants for humanity who live with love and sacrifice. Accordingly, the Apostle said: “The matter is not due to a person’s will nor his pursuit, but to God's mercy alone” (Rom 9:16)
*The second reading from the Epistle to Ephesians 1: 15 - 2: 7
Paul praises the good faith and love of the people of Ephesians. They asked Him to give them wisdom that leads them to know God and His promises in a deeper depth and to feel the greatness of his power that he demonstrated in establishing Christ and delivering him the leadership and accountability of the universe. He gave him absolute control over the universe by “placing everything under his feet” (verse 22). He called the Church, the community of believers, “his body” and “his fullness,” meaning Christ is as perfect with his members as the body that is his head.
Then he deals with the Ephesians ’previous life of faith in Christ, when they walked (as Jews and pagans), with the spirit of the world rebelling against God and submitting to his carnal desires. And that biography was death to life because she did not know the path of truth. But now they have known the way of life and have been saved by Christ, who is our representative and guarantees a happy life because he enjoys it now. God has brought him into the rest of paradise, from which man was denied due to sin. Man has returned in the person of Christ and obeyed God, and the believer in Christ is united to him as a member of the body and a branch in the tree. God has mercy on humanity by the right of Christ's death and resurrection and bestowed upon his followers the grace of faith and salvation.
*The third reading from John 16: 16-33
Jesus tells the apostles about his imminent death, his short separation, his resurrection, and his appearing to them again. His breakthrough death makes them sad. Because it will be painful and cruel, they will be afflicted with severe distress and severe disappointment. It is a critical and painful period. But it will not last, and it will not be repeated. Jesus will soon return to them. They will be happy to meet him. And all danger passes away from them. The Lord likened their sorrow and then their joy to the woman about to give birth. She grieves because she is upset and faces the risk of death, then she forgets about it after childbirth and is happy with the new situation. Her ordeal gave her a new life. This is most important because joy and goodness last while the distress is gone.
But things will be a little different. Until now, the apostles have resorted to him in every joy or affliction. But after his death, they will raise their prayers to God. He invites them to intercede on him and raise it in his name, and he ensures that it responds to them. The believer’s relationship with God is entering a new phase. Through Christ, humankind has known God's fatherhood and his love for man. Especially for those who believe in and accept Christ. It is enough for them to trust him and not let them be let down and not cease their hope with what they learned from him or saw in him. Everything will be established. And just as he will triumph, they will also triumph if they know to preserve their love, especially their trust and affection for him.