Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East Mar Mari of Yonkers, NY
ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ
ܥܘܡܪܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܡܐܪܝ ܫܠܝܚܐ

Second Sunday of the Resurrection ( New Sunday )
The church put in front of us the following readings:
*First reading from the Acts of the Apostles 4:32-5:11
The first Christians lived the ideal life of Christ and applied its principles. Christians had one face that reflected Jesus in his words and deeds. The resurrection has done its work in the lives of believers. It seemed strange in the eyes of the people because he was not used to the brotherhood and the honesty of the love that Christians showed to each other.” They were one heart and one thought." They shared even their property and money that they consider to be the group’s property disposed of. Some of them sold his property and put it at the disciples' disposal to aid the needy. However, this did not prevent each other from cheating, pretending to be generous, good, love, and brothers while their intentions were twisted. It's not weird if he's a disciple, Judas, stealing from the group's money and the poor (John 12:6). This means God didn't take out the bad guy and let the tares grow between the wheat to give the grain the chance to fight like him and fight for life. And God has already provided his disciples with the power of the Holy Spirit, which reveals to the believer the fake of visual faith and supports the experience. The present spirit with Christian leads him on the paths of a good life. Enough to listen to him and comply with his guidance.
*Second reading from the epistle to the Colossians 1:1-20
Interestingly, Paul calls the believers “saints.” And so he did in the rest of his messages after he confirmed in his first messages that Christians called them God and he wanted to be saints “Each shall preserve its body in sacred and dignity.” Holiness built it by Paul on the faith of Jesus, and love for brothers, and please live in heaven. These are the foundations of the preaching and their pillars. In every word and act, believers put Jesus's life in their sight because it is only the model of divine behavior.
This reminds us of the priest in every Mass he evaluates when he speaks before the communion and refers to the believers and says: “the holy is truly befitting to the Saints.” Believers are saints and perfect in good morals. Through the Holiness, they eat who they belong to throughout Baptism, their names, and their invitation to them (the Holy) to be witnesses to God's Holiness in a world full of corruption and badness. God has demanded this holy for the sacred time of Moses and by Jesus Christ.
*Third reading from John 20:19 - 31.
Jesus appeared to his disciples. The disciples would have been sure of the grave's emptiness, and the shrouds remained where they were. If someone took his body or else he wouldn't leave the shrouds and the headscarf in the grave. Things are starting to spin in their heads. Peter's heart started beating very heavily. What he didn't imagine happened because the tragedy of the Cross forgot the news of Jesus. Jesus' appearance to Peter gives him repentance, and he does not allow Satan to crush him. Then Jesus appeared to the disciples when Thomas was not there and firmed in their faith. The resurrection has proved not only the divinity of Jesus but has confirmed the renewal of creation in which God's spirit is flooded and the human being brought to the life of God.
A week later, Jesus renews his visit to his disciples, and he subverts Thomas’s doubt with concrete certainty. It's like Jesus came asking for the stray sheep. He didn't want Thomas to feel inadequate. He came to prove it, too, in his invitation and in sending it to the world a full-fledged and qualified image of it. For generations, Thomas will remain the model of a complex human being searching for the news of certainty from its source and will not be reckless in doing something before it is verified and proper.
The East ritual has been called this Sunday “New,” and the Latin tradition has been called "white.” This white new is a flood of divine love and a reflection of his untold mercy. These are the fruits of the pain of Christ, his death, and his victory over the enemies of the truth of God gave the spiritual weapon to lead the believers in peace and guarantee eternal life. This is a new resurrection and purity, and it is the gift of God's love and mercy.