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Today our Church put in front of us the following readings:


*The first reading from Genesis 19: 1--26 The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

God complained to Abraham about the corruption of Sodom and Gomorrah's people, and it was time to punish them. Abraham interceded to excuse them to save the righteous, “Will you perish a righteous with the evil one”? But God did not find in either city not even ten honest people to spare them. Two angels received the order to eradicate the two towns. Two guests ( the Angels) lodge at the only righteous one, Lot and his family. The people of Sodom tried to insult and offend the two angels and Lot. The two angels brought Lot and his family out and hastened them by expelling them to a safe place, then the fire and brimstone began to burn the two cities. Lot's wife violated the angel's instructions and turned behind her, and she turned into a pillar of salt. God had intervened to save the innocents when the wicked were satisfied, and their demise was imminent, and by their death, the Devil wanted the destruction of the righteous. God allowed him to exterminate the wicked who rejected God and His law. As for the righteous, He saved them.


*The second reading from the Letter to Romans 10: 14-23 does not condemn the other nor expose him to suspicion.

The Apostle begins by calling for the non-judgment of others, according to Jesus' teaching (Matthew 1: 7), and by imitation of him who does not judge nor judge anyone, not even the sinners. We humans all make mistakes. We are all weakened. We are not the creators of others until we control them and condemn them. God is the Creator of all and their Judge in the Hereafter (Rom 12:19). Then each one will make an account of himself for himself. As long as we live, we build the life and adorn it with virtues, and we are preoccupied with everything.

Not only do we not condemn or offend others, but instead, we do not stumble upon them through our bad behavior. Our love for our brothers requires us to care for their comfort and salvation, and for that, we tolerate sacrifice in food and clothing, and we do not accept to question them. Our faith in Christ is a positive life that we live together in peace to build a human society. Let our faith always be the basis of our behavior, so we imitate our society’s life.


*The third reading of John 9: 39-10: 21, Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Jesus is the light that shines for the world. He is who declares the truth. There is no truth outside of Him because He is God. He is the only one who is qualified to lead humanity. He is the only good shepherd who nurtures humanity out of love without interest. Jesus compared society to a herd of sheep, needing someone to protect them and lead them through fertile pastures. People are not deceived, and soon the sheep discover an excellent shepherd's qualities and love him and follow him because they feel the sincerity in his words and actions. This Good Shepherd brings all humankind together in his one barn. He knows them all and sacrificed his life to save them all from eternal perdition. Most human leaders claim to look after people's interests, but none of them volunteered to serve. If they had not benefited from power, they would not have accepted it, even if it had been given to them for free. They are wage-working shepherds. They seek to honor and are not ready to sacrifice for their people. Their flocks do not interest them for their own sake, as much as what matters to them what they bring to them of good things and bestow upon them. As for Christ, he is the true Shepherd of humanity because he speaks the truth and loves all people, even those against Him, and died as a sacrifice for us to provide us with the best life.

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